Mobile Doorman | 97 Switch

Mobile Doorman

B2B real estate software company revamped digital strategy leading to merger in 2021
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Mobile Doorman is a mobile real estate software company that provides an app for residents to connect with property operators. Communication becomes easier and more efficient through the app, helping operators manage efficiently, improve retention, and boost their bottom line. Mobile Doorman’s great solution to a common problem needed a strong digital marketing strategy, so they reached out to 97 Switch.

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Digital Strategy
Ad Campaigns
Email Marketing

Digital Ads

a cell phone with the logo of a mobile phone company

Google Ads

Various ads, extensions, and personas deployed. A landing page was also developed to strengthen overall ad strategy.

Increase in Site User Traffic
Leads Generated
Acquired by Zego by 2021
a blue and black origami bird on a white background

Email Marketing

Bolstered contact list and email marketing outreach with refreshed campaigns. Increased user engagement and expansion of in-house marketing team.

Strategy & Reporting

Conducted regular meetings & delivered analytics reports on website traffic, bounce rate, cost-per-click, cost-per-aquisition, and qualified leads.

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